Road Show Menus

Road Show is not available in all releases of EasyShare software.

The Road Show window provides the following menus on the menu bar.

File Menu

Get Pictures

Displays My Collection where you select and add pictures to the current task.

Close Kodak EasyShare

Closes EasyShare software. The software is not completely shut down and the Kodak EasyShare icon remains in the system tray.


Edit Menu

Edit Picture

Displays the picture in focus in the Edit window. Edit Picture is available only for still pictures.

Select All

Selects all pictures in the task workspace.

Deselect All

Deselects all selected pictures in the task workspace.


Albums Menu

Add to Album

Displays the Add to Album dialog box where you select an album and add the selected pictures.


Tools Menu


Displays the Preferences dialog box where you set application preferences.

Help Menu

Kodak EasyShare Help

Displays this Help system.

About Kodak EasyShare software

Displays the About window, showing software and copyright information.